Janie Crawford When the story begins, sixteen-year-old Janie is the protagonist of the novel. Janie has a natural curiosity about the world. She embarks on a journey of self-discovery that includes three husbands along the way.
Nanny Crawford Janie’s grandmother who was born into slavery. She raises Janie and teaches her that financial security is a good reason to marry. She and Janie clash over values.
Mrs. Washburn She is Nanny’s employer after Nanny becomes a free woman. Mrs. Washburn, a white woman, provides a house in her backyard for Nanny and Janie. She helpes with raising Janie.
Johnny Taylor He kisses Janie over the fence when she is sixteen years old. Nanny becomes concerned that this is a signal that Janie will allow any unworthy man to get close to her.
Pheoby Watson She has been a friend and confidante to Janie for more than twenty years. Janie’s best friend in Eatonville, she is the audience for the novel.
Sam Watson Sam is Pheoby’s husband and is a good-natured man.
Logan Killicks Janie’s first husband, whom she marries at a young age. A hard-working man picked by Nanny to provide Janie with future security. Janie doesn’t love him and soon grows tired of the hard-work associated with Logan.
Joe Starks A selfish man with ambitions for recognition and power, he is Janie’s second husband. Nanny would have wanted a man like Joe for Janie as he represents everything she thought was important in a marriage. He establishes himself as Eatonville’s mayor and owns and runs the general store in town. He is abusive to Janie and squelches her independent nature.
Vergible “Tea Cake” Woods The third husband to Janie and 12 years her junior, he is the only husband Janie truly loves. He proves to be the catalyst that helps Janie continue her journey of self-discovery. His love for Janie is unconditional.
Amos Hicks He is one of the first residents of Eatonville to meet Janie and Jody. He is interested in Janie, at first, and tries to make her leave Jody. He views himself as a “lady’s man.”
Matt Bonner He is the owner of the mule that provides a pivotal point in the novel. He is one of the porch sitters.
Hezekiah Potts Hezekiah is a seventeen-year-old boy who helps Janie in the store after Joe Stark’s death. He starts to take on some of the characteristics of the now deceased Joe Starks.
Annie Tyler and Who Flung Annie was widowed at fifty-two-years old. She meets a younger man whose name is Who Flung. He eventually leaves her, but not before taking her money. She is devastated and leaves to live with her daughter. Many townsfolk think Janie will end up like Mrs. Tyler as a result of her relationship with Tea Cake.
The Porch Sitters Townsfolk whose recreation is to gossip about Janie and other members of the community. They represent the community and include: Matt Bonner, who owned the mule, Walter Thomas, Lige Moss, Hambo, the preacher Brother Davis, Guv’nor Amos Hicks, Lee Coker, Tony Taylor, Sam Watson, Pearl Stone, and Mrs. Sumpkins.
Motor Boat A gambling friend of Tea Cake, who waits out the hurricane sleeping in the upper-story of an abandoned house. He is a worker in the muck, which is a group of migrant workers in the bean fields of the Everglades.
Other Workers in the Muck They are friends with Tea Cake. They are a fun-loving bunch. Their names are: ‘Lias, Bootyny, Sterrett, Stew Beef, Sop-de-Bottom, Ed Dockery, and Coodemay.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner Residents in the Everglades who run a small restaurant. Mrs. Turner tries to introduce Janie to her brother. She is a mean woman and is racist toward Tea Cake.
Dr. Simmons A doctor who comes to see to Tea Cake when he after he becomes ill. He informs Janie that Tea Cake will probably die from the rabid dog’s bite. He is a respected white man.
Nunkie She is a young girl living in the Everglades who flirts with Tea Cake.
Completed by: Emily Broden
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